Committed to a Masterpiece Day, every day.
A dream is not some sort of comfy pillow to wish on while staring at vision board, they are hard to start, harder to work through, and they do not become reality with magic; it takes faith, discipline, sweat, determination, a great team, supportive family, lots of hard work and ultimately it's all about finding an extra 1% daily, that extra degree in everything we do. Sam Parker and Mac Anderson put it like this in their book "212° The Extra Degree".
“Raising the temperature of water by one extra degree means the difference between something that is simply very hot and something that generates enough force to power a machine".
A beautiful, uncomplicated metaphor that ideally should feed our every endeavour, consistently pushing us to make the extra effort in every task we undertake.
212° serves as a forceful drill sergeant with its motivating and focused message, while adhering to a scientific law, a natural law.
How’s your heat?
It’s that extra degree where all the magic happens. Performing the habits and rituals that support mental growth every day, especially when you don't want to. This is the extra degree and the road to activation energy where Dreams are ignited and explode into reality.
How would an extra degree positively transform your life?
It's the seemingly small things can make tremendous differences. So simple is the analogy that you can stop reading right now, walk away with the opening thought from this great book firmly planted in your mind, and benefit from it for the rest of your life. It really is that powerful.
Time to turn up the heat?
Dreams ultimately require a powerful opportunity mindset to press on NO MATTER WHAT, regardless what life serves you while staying fully committed to being relentlessly you, all day every day.
Creating an opportunity mindset is about being relentlessly focused every day on finding the extra degree, the tiny little things in our own minds that we can do better, and knowing those tiny improvements all add up every day over time, raising the temperature on life and supporting our growth. Bring it on!