Have you noticed at the core theme of everything technology related now is "ZERO TRUST"?
To that, I say this.
“No matter how advanced a machine may become, it will never be interesting to have lunch with, and probably won’t pay”.
How would it be if you could have access to a trusted network of networks enabling the Actual Intelligence (human beings) to do what machines never will. Support each other to build meaningful relationships globally that foster trusted connections and our ability to all Do Well and Do Good. https://www.dwdg.co.uk/
I have always believed in creating opportunities through connections with real people, I believe deeply in the power of Actual Intelligence (Ai) and how through collaboration we can together positively impact ourselves, families, teams, communities, countries and ultimately, transform the lives of a billion people on this planet.
We are now creating conversations to connect people to what they need when they need it. We are bringing together senior people with a passion for doing more in the world, and who have a clear intent to be brave, bold, and curious as we all Do Well and Do Good together.
At the same time, we are opening a network of networks, building a global community of reciprocity between people who are capable, willing, and able to enable each other to Do Well Do Good.
Join in with amazing people, all supportive and collaborative with our only policy being, not to be an arse!