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Affirmations are not going to cut it.

Committed to a Masterpiece Day, every day.

Dreams may be hard and improbable that's fair, although when you reject the idea of fear, fair, hard, and all other unhelpful emotions by facing down the improbable, soon those improbable dreams become possible, and soon after that they become inevitable.

Going from being worried about what might happen to being excited about what might happen is only a simple mind shift away, a mind shift that makes every situation in life an adventure through which to experience growth.

"We know what we are, yet know not what we may become". William Shakespeare.

At 46 years young and following 3 years of intense training to go from No Belt to Black Belt, I stated that I would become the World Super League Champion in Kickboxing in 5 years from 1st April 2023.

Now, following my recent silver medals in both my first UK national competition in May this year, and first international competition in September a few weeks back in Birmingham with Team Phoenix and WAKO GB, that 5-year timeline is now 3 years for achieving my goal.

My attitude to life and kickboxing is simple, Attack & Adapt, knowing that when I absolutely don’t think I can do something, I simply take one more step, with a clear understanding that we are never really more than at 40% of our potential.

When it comes to the business of dreams they need action, decisions, and an opportunity mindset, raising standards, committing to the process, and putting in championship performances every day.

Staring at a vision board and shouting affirmations in the mirror just isn’t going to cut it. If you, your team and business fancy going a few rounds with me to build an Opportunity Mindset I would welcome a discussion.

Bring it on!

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