No mooing on Monday! An amazing week of opportunities ahead looking forward to lot's of powerful human connection today with many different experiences to experience, enjoying the one gift we have all been given, our ability to make a choice, change our lives, and live this day with an opportunity mindset.
Kicking off the day at 3am with a day one week one mindset, running the same daily process with spiritual development and meditation first, followed by education and exercise as non-negotiable priorities, then off into London at 6.30am for some energy boosting connections and experiences.
What if the day all turns to shit? The response? Good. I am grateful for the opportunity to improve my resilience, choose my response, be positive, be grateful for being alive, and being capable and able to decide how I show up regardless of any external circumstances that I do not control.
P.s If your reading this post and thinking f*ck off Dan with your opportunity mindset, that's mooing. How's that making you feel? How's that making people around you feel? How would your life be without such a negative thought process?
Have another great. No mooing! 😊
Bring it on!