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Love the storms!

I love the extreme examples of humans evidencing they were of the ‘right stuff’, those individuals who make a life commitment and have a true "win or die trying" attitude, demonstrating the ultimate opportunity mindset.

Today I thank Simon Shooter for sending me a note yesterday about the French Admiral Francois-Paul Brueys D’Aigalliers.

This man after having already been injured twice, then had both legs blown off at the knee by a round shot, had a tourniquet applied to both legs and had himself strapped to an armchair on deck so he could continue to direct the battle. His impending exsanguination was forestalled by his flag ship, Orient, blowing up in the most spectacular fashion, so he did indeed go out in a blaze of glory!

This mans fatal determination to fulfil his duty at the battle of the Nile 1798 is incredibly inspiring in a world that seems to place it's value solely on money, comfort, and self entitlement beyond all else. Beyond even the wellbeing of the planet that supports our life.

This man knew that there are things that need fighting for, he also knew exactly what mattered to him so deeply he was prepared to die fighting for it, and while he didn't win that fight, he saw it through to the end, demonstrating the mental fortitude to stay in the fight, no matter what!

Have another great day living with an opportunity mindset

Bring it on!

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