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Lead yourself first.

Indulging on M&Ms has taken on a whole new meaning for me in the last few months, gradually implementing a complete ban on junk food in my life, and replacing all that sugar with Mindfulness & Meditation. Not quite as tasty initially, although far more nourishing in the long run on a daily quest to create greater clarity of mind.

A great little note below from a book that I can highly recommend to anyone wanting to further develop their own internal leadership capabilities through solitude, mindfulness, mediation and inner engineering.

“We live in a cacophonous age, swarming insects of noise and interruption buzzing about emails, text messages, cable news, advertisements, cell phones, meetings, wireless web connections, social media posts, and all the new intrusions invented by the time you are reading this. If leadership begins not with what you do but with who you are, then when and how do you escape the noise and find your purpose and summon the strength to pursue it?

The book (Lead yourself first) illustrates how leaders can, indeed must, be disciplined people who create the quiet space for disciplined thought and summon the strength for disciplined action. It is a message needed now more than ever, else we run the risk of waking up at the end of the year having accomplished little of significance, each year slipping by in a flurry of activity pointing nowhere.

Removing negative inputs physically, mentally, and emotionally to increase clarity is no easy task as anyone committed to doing so will be able to confirm. It is however absolutely critical to navigating a world of digital distraction and the mountain of unwanted noise that surrounds us all every day.

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