There are things in life that we decide need fighting for, we decide they matter so deeply to us that nothing is too much effort, no price is too high, and we make a vow to commit our entire existence to the process of evolving those things unconditionally. In doing so, we know that we have a contract with ourselves, a sacred oath to living authentically and learning to love the process of finding and doing the hard things in our lives well, going all in, all day, every day!
This morning while I am loving my process and grateful for the ability to wake up and decide to hunt down my opportunities in the ring, taking another step forward in becoming a Super League World Champion in Kickboxing, I am deeply engaged in reminding myself this is a choice, and that others do not have the luxury of choice in their fights that are so much more challenging in so many ways.
So today I dedicate my fight from homeless teen to Warrior Chairman and everything I may be blessed to achieve today, win or learn, to God first (regardless of religious denomination), my family and to RSBC (Royal Society for Blind Children).
In doing so I am grateful for the opportunity to take on a challenge for personal growth, supporting positive transformation of self, and the ability to support others in creating life equity and opportunities for all.
Here is part of short prayer (regardless of religious denomination) I offer each morning as I continue to feel blessed by a higher power for the virtues given to me and to me to support others. Love, Health, Wisdom, Hope, Courage, Curiosity, Discipline, Zest, Gratitude, and Relentless Determination
A small part of my morning process in mediation and prayer.
I know there are no ideal circumstances in life and that everything I want is on the other side of pain, suffering and increasingly difficult challenges, life is relentless and yet so am I. I also know that getting the thing is not the point, the point of everything is the journey and what I become on that epic journey while focused on the goal, relentlessly pushing myself to do more and be more every single day.
God I am grateful for this day, everything I get to do today and all the experiences I will experience, by taking a powerful position, understanding the process, and delivering the performance, I am excited to overcome all challenges and everyone who stands against me.
Every day I am grateful, and I am blessed with God’s grace to always be greater than my circumstances, and in support of others.
I am excited for this day. Bring it on!
Be grateful today, we all have something to be grateful for. If you can breathe, see, and move, be grateful, not everyone can.
Lead by example from the front. Never ask others to do what you are not prepared to do yourself, and get in the ring regardless of who or what may stand in the way, fighting to end of life, not the end of the day for what you believe in.
Get up. Show up. Fight on!