Going all in, all day, every day, pushing to do more, be more and creating the standards we know we are capable of living takes more than a growth mindset. The growth mindset is the first step to something far greater, more powerful and accessible to everyone willing to commit, that is the Opportunity Mindset.
Here are 10 key attributes of living with an Opportunity Mindset.
1. Change is for those who want it, not those who need it.
2. Change can happen at any time and any age. You decide.
3. Decide what matters to you. Commit to a contract with yourself, then deliver it every day.
4. Ask of yourself the price you are willing to pay for living in your own power, creating the life you know you can live.
5. Know what that price to be paid really means to your life mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally in everything you do.
6. Pay the price every single day regardless of how you may feel, no whining, no complaining. You negotiated the price.
7. Stop negotiating with weakness, be process driven not feelings driven, get it done. Think “I get to do this today, I negotiated the terms”.
8. Learn to laugh in the face of adversity, and those who want to bring you down to their level. Your contract is with you, their opinions are unimportant on every level.
9. Know anything that comes against you, will ultimately have to face you eventually, look forward to that day! True power comes in self mastery taking the fight to the end of life, not the end of a day.
10. Failing is GREAT! You are doing something hard, meaningful and aligned to the purpose you have given to your life. Success is who you become on the journey every day, not some arbitrary future goal that promises happiness and satisfaction. They never deliver. Fail forward and grow.
With this level of commitment to growth in all areas mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally comes a need to harness our indomitable will, developing a mental fortitude of unwavering commitment to being better than we were yesterday by harnessing an inner power, while also accepting failure every day, and vowing to never quit the journey of self discovery.
Loving my journey today, Sunday kickboxing to start the week off right with my family. Your life is your life, your dream is your dream, so be relentless being you.
Have another great.
Bring it on!