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Blessed are those who find wisdom.

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Acquiring the wisdom and understanding of how to navigate our own minds in a world which appears to be increasingly complex, is the single most important component of every journey in life, no matter what the destination.

Having a compass and knowing the direction to travel is not just important, it is essential, and having a spiritual compass is the single most powerful tool available to us all, in every moment of every day.

Higher powers, God, Allah, Buddha and all faith, including science, all forms of spirituality and mental focus can be a force for good when constructively executed in service of others, and while I do not follow a specific religion, I familiarise myself with all of them a bit every day, believing in everyone's right to express those values in service of positive transformation for all.

"Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for this is more profitable than silver and yields far greater returns than gold."

The first line of this post actually came from the Bible, Proverbs 3:13-14 and whatever your views, given where society finds itself today, the ancient wisdom contained within could well lead us to a far better understanding of how the world could be changed for the better, before we destroy it.

Personally my belief is that we all have a spiritual compass connected deeply to forces we do not understand within ourselves, these forces connect everyone to everything operating with the power of unity, collaboration and life equity through connection of energy, and this I believe deeply is the path to the positive transformation of a broken society.

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