Firstly hello and welcome!
I believe that being candid and authentic is key to thriving in the world and this is a place where I will always be myself and hope that by celebrating my own personality, sense of humour, and heart, I can provide others with the freedom to do the same.
My goal here is to provide a simple gateway to knowledge that expands human consciousness, delivered in bite size chunks with a humorous twist, for people who want to better understand themselves, life, and how to cultivate a fulfilling existence.
Some context first.
On my personal journey of Positive Transformation I decided that there are three core components to my life that really matter. Self Development, Creative Development, and Relationship Development.
In terms of writing this, it supports the development of all three, self in learning new skills, and relationships by connecting with people genuinely and authentically. It also really develops a passion to be more creative by writing and enjoy that process, developing new skills, and a new creative channel for sharing ideas and having some fun. It's a fulfilling process.
This is all life experimentation, a learning experience, a quest to do more and be more, while also making a personal demonstration that you may have to be a fool before you can be a master! So for anyone out there with a dream, a passion, and an underlying feeling for what you feel you need to be, this is my gentle nudge to simply engage with you own inner power, just have a go, and enjoy the process!
So with that in mind over the coming months the intention is to share ideas from the great thinkers throughout human history that have helped so much with personal experimentation in life and who continue to do so. Being blessed to live to 100 gives me 54 years left to space out my own little form of creativity in bite size chucks at various points, hopefully with a humorous twist on something I enjoy that feeds Development, Creativity, and Relationships while also being very enjoyable.
The ultimate goal is to fuel creativity, learning, and collective development while cultivating a fulfilling existence and helping others do the same. In doing this we will also be removing some of the bullshit that negatively impacts our own daily lives while attempting to support better brighter futures for everyone on their own journey of Positive Transformation, Growth & Personal Development.
Oh yes, just for clarity, if you don't like it, don't read it, like my hairy friend here I have no shits to give.
If you do however want to read it and I hope you enjoy it, I am committed to creating "Masterpiece Days" every day with others committed to Being Relentless for Positive Transformation.
These are wonderful people helping each other and sharing personal stories from their own journey of Positive Transformation, supporting and inspiring others to do more and be more as we create brighter better futures through collaboration.
We are evolving this site as a place for us all to share wisdom from the great thinkers across thousands of years, Marcus Aurelius to the modern day, sprinkled with friendly contributions and a bit of humour, all broken down into digestible bite size chunks each day, free and available to anyone who enjoys it.
This is all about how we positively transform a billion lives in the next decade, and while that may seem ambitious I believe this.
"Very simply, there is nothing more powerful than a changed mind, so if we can change one mind we can positively transform one life. One becomes two, two becomes four and exponentially compounded growth becomes a billion lives faster than you may think."
It's all about Being Relentless Being you while supporting others to do the same, and I am now inviting you to share your stories and create a meaningful connection with our community.
So let's share some stories and create a meaningful connection as Do Well and Do Good for ourselves, families, teams, communities and everyone else.
Being Relentless Being you!